Sunday, February 20, 2011

Your best resource

Regular readers know that i am constantly reading books on business and advertising. I also take training classes when ever I can. You may be surprised to learn that the best lessons I've learned don't come from these sources, they come from interacting with other people in the business world. I just spent two days meeting with the AFCP's Leadership Institute training team. We took time out for an informal round table about selling free paper advertising. I learned more in this hour than I could in a dozen books. Take the time to talk with your co-workers and other business people. open up about your problems and share your ideas. This sharing of ideas will benefit everyone involved. Often we are so busy that we don't take the time to have a good conversation, we rush here and rush there just exchanging a few quick, and meaningless, pleasantries. Taking the time to have substantive conversations with intelligent people is not a waste of your time. It is an invaluable educational tool

Keep Smiling, Keep Selling!


Jim Busch

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