Saturday, January 2, 2010

Control the controllables

Here is a suggested resolution for 2010.

" I resolve to focus all of my energies on the things that I can personally control in the 2010. I will not waste any of my precious time fretting about the economy, the actions of others, the weather or anything else that I can not change. I will be laser focused on my attitude, my efforts, on developing my skills, and anything else I can do that will have a positive effect on my success."

This is just good time management, life is too short to waste it worrying about the things we can't change. One of the things that distinguishes the successful people in any field is that they devote every minute of their time to activities that advance them toward their goals. Resolving to do this is the first step to making 2010 your best year ever.

Keep Smiling, Keep Selling !

Thanks Jim Busch

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