Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Get the customer involved

Most business people hate advertising but love ads. They hate advertising because it costs money and requires them to make a decisions. Often, they feel like they are out of their element because they don't fully understand the advertising business. They love ads because their ad tells the story of their business. Everyone like to see their name in print. People also enjoy working on their ad because it gives them an opportunity to be creative. I have seen busy people linger over small details in an ad because they are engaged by the design process. You need to keep control of the process (You are the advertising professional) but get the customer involved. Ask questions about what how they want the ad to look. Praise them for good suggestions. If you get the customer involved in the design process, they will take ownership and are more likely to be pleased with the program. They may even look forward to your visit.

Keep Smiling, Keep Selling!

Thanks Jim Busch

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