The best way to build a financial portfolio is to invest something every payday. Even a small amount each week will add up to a tidy sum over time. the same is true when building a sales territory. Investing at least a little time and effort everyday in prospecting and closing new business will lead to a long customer list. Most sales people acknowledge this fact, but not many put it into practice. It is far too easy to skip a day here or find other things to do on that day. I recommend keeping track of the amount of time you spend focused on selling new business. Hard numbers are the best antidote for excuses. It is hard to blame the economy or "Stupid Customers" when your records say you haven't been doing the leg work. Good record keeping also helps you to see the relationship of your prospecting activities to your sales results. Tracking your activities is a terrific way to manage your time and ensure that you are spending the bulk of your time doing the things that matter most.
Keep Smiling, Keep Selling!
Thanks Jim Busch
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