Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Frank Luntz Part 4

Here are the last three of Frank Luntz's rules for communication.

#8 Visualize--I would describe this as painting word pictures. Describe to the customer exactly what will happen if they accept your program. I like the word "Imagine." "Imagine how pleased new customers will be when they come in with these coupons and see your business for the first time."

#9 Ask A Question--Questions make people think. "This will attract new clients" is not nearly effective as saying "What kind of clients do you think this offer will attract?"

#10 Provide Context & Relevance--When you make a recommendation or ask questions include references to things that are going in their industry or market. "Mr. Customer I know the new shopping center down the block will bring a lot of business into the neighborhood. I have a program that will help you capture some of those new dollars."

Again I recommend Frank Luntz's books for anyone in the communications business.

Keep Smiling, Keep Selling!

Thanks Jim Busch

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