Monday, May 31, 2010

Planning for summer

I hope you all enjoyed your Memorial Day weekend. This is the unofficial beginning of summer. It is important to know your clients plans for the summer season. Know when they are planning to go on vacation so that you can handle their advertising in advance. It is not a bad idea to have an "emergency ad" on hand just in case an advertiser takes an unexpected long weekend. get a generic ad pre-approved so that if for some reason you can't reach them they won't miss out on any business and you won't miss out on any commissions. Don't let a customer skip a week because they are on vacation. Do an ad saying: "We're on vacation this week, look for our super special coupon in next week's paper. Thanks". This will help them because they will not anger any customers who drive to them location only to find them closed and any potential customers who may have found another supplier will wait to see what the "super deal" is. This gets the customer up to speed quickly upon their return,

Keep Smiling, Keep Selling!

Thanks Jim Busch

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