Monday, May 3, 2010

Go back to the beginning

I like to ask what I call "origin" questions. These are questions that ask people how they got started doing something that will help you to sell them. For example asking them "What led you to get into the (Blank) business?" This question is a great conversation starter and will reveal a great deal about how the customer thinks about his business. If a prospect is advertising with a competitor, challenging that decision directly may put the client off. Asking "What led you to choose (Competitors Name)?" Their answer will tell you how they make advertising decisions. The obvious followup question is "Has the competitor accomplished this goal?" which can open up a discussion on advertising. An "origin" question seems safe to the customer and does not seem "salesy". By engaging a customer in conversation, you greatly increase the chance of closing a sale.

Keep Smiling, Keep Selling!

Thanks Jim Busch

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