Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Anchoring a broadcast program

When a customer tells me that they do not need to advertise in print because they are on TV or radio, I see this as an opportunity. I do not try to argue with the client but rather praise them for understanding the importance of marketing their business. I talk about the advantages of broadcast, the ability to create an image and tell a compelling story. I then ask the client if they want to get the maximum benefit from their TV or radio dollars by "anchoring" their program. Electronic advertising is by its nature ephemeral, it is in front of a consumer for 30 seconds and then it goes, hurtling into space to be lost forever. It may create a desire for their product but it is unlikely that the listener/viewer will remember the advertisers contact information. By creating a print ad that ties into the broadcast program, you give the consumer the info they need to follow-up. They look in the paper and see an ad "This is the place we saw on TV last night, it looked very nice and look, here's a great coupon. Let's go out for dinner tonight." This will greatly enhance the response to the broadcast ad.

Keep Smiling, Keep Selling!

Thanks Jim Busch

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