Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My very favorite business book

I am a very disciplined reader. I try to spend at least half an hour per day reading business books or other materials. This means that in the course of my career (Almost 4 decades) I have read literally thousands of books on selling and business. Some of these were terrible, some had a few interesting points and many were quite good. Of everything I've read, one book stands out above all the rest--Stephen Covey's "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People." I make a point of rereading this book every year and each time I learn something new. Covey's habits have not only made me a better sales person and manager but a better person in general. It is a book that shows a deep understanding of the human psyche and how we relate to one another. This book has been one of the top selling buiness books for over twenty years. I am in the habit of picking up copies of the "Seven Habits" at the used book store for my younger reps and I shared it with my children when they were in high school. I highly recommend this book to anyone.

Keep Smiling, Keep Selling!

Thanks Jim Busch

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