Thursday, April 29, 2010

Weekly Quote

Here is a quote from the master himself--Zig Ziglar. Just about everything Zig says is worth writing down and remembering. Here is is thought on motivation:

"People say motivation doesn't last! Well...neither does bathing--that's why we recommend it everyday." Zig Ziglar

As a salesperson or as a manager, we get beat up everyday. We hear a lot of "no's", we get involved in many confrontations and and face continual stress. All of these things can wear done the most motivated individual on the planet. This is why, I make time every morning to read something inspiring or motivating. I need to recharge my batteries before I face another challenging day. Many people see this as a waste of time, but I see taking the time to pump myself up as central to my success. Remember we are all responsible for our own motivation.

Keep Smiling, Keep Selling!

Thanks Jim Busch

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