Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Feel, Felt, Found is one of the oldest and most effective ways to handle an objection. Here's how it works:
Customer- I think your price is a little high
Rep-I can understand how you feel, you need to be focused on value. Many of my current customers felt that way in the past. When they looked further into what you get for your investment, just pennies per home, they found that advertising in my paper is a great value.

Feel validates the customers feelings and defuses the situation, Felt further validates the feeling and note the possibility of change, Found addresses the objection. You can change the words but keep the order of the steps.

You may think this is too "old school, I've trained reps on this in class and they often said Feel-Felt-Found was "hokey" but came around when I demonstrated the technique in the field and they saw how well it works. (Notice the sequence of the last sentence) Practice this and then try it on your next call, this is a true "oldie but goodie!"

Keep Smiling, Keep Selling!

Thanks Jim Busch

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