Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Finding a good headline

I am sorry this blog went out late today--I was experiencing technical difficulties.

Research has found that that ads with effective headlines out perform ads that lack a good lead. A great question to ask to identify potential headline ideas is: "When potential customer call you on on the phone what questions do they ask you about the business?" A good headline answers this question for its readers. For instance if many people call and ask "Do you deliver?" then " Free Delivery" would be a good headline. You have to remind the advertiser that for every person that calls there are probably several who won't make the effort. By using the headline of the ad to proactively answer consumers question you increase the chance that they will do business with that firm. It is a good way to get a client to think about what their ad is saying to potential customers.

Keep Smiling, Keep Selling!

Thanks Jim Busch

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