Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sales Resolutions #5

Here is the 5th and final sales resolution for 2011: Always think WIIFT. This stands for What's In It For Them. Whenever you interact with a customer you should always speak in terms of the value you deliver to them. Customers could care less about your publication, what they want to know is how you can help them accomplish their goals. Everything that you say, do or send to the customer should explain what you can do for them. Instead of talking about your circulation (10,000 copies) talk about the customers you bring to their business (10,000 people who want to buy your merchandise. When you give a price remind them what they are paying for, "just pennies per home delivered." In 2011 vow to communicate value every time you talk or write to a customer.

Keep Smiling, Keep Selling!

Thanks Jim B.

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