Sunday, December 19, 2010

Goodbye 2010

My wife and I were in the car this evening and talking about some of the things we had done in the past year. We both agreed that it seems like years since we attended the AFCP conference in Tucson last spring. This year went by very quickly and I am sure 2011 will be no different. This is why this is a good time to think about the changes we want to make in the coming 12 months. I suggest you start by looking at where you have been. Look at your records for 2010, your sales numbers, your account lists, anything you have that tracks your progress. Flip through your 2010 calendar and look at your appointments. Once you have done this sit down and think about the year, your victories and your problems. If you wrote down goals at the beginning of the year, review the list and note which ones were completed and where you fell short. Do this with a detached attitude, resist the temptation to beat yourself up. Regret is a waste of energy, you can not change the past but you can learn from it. Taking the time to ponder the lessons of the previous year is the first step to a great new year. Schedule a time to do this, and make it a priority. Time management expert Alan Lakein said that planning is "bringing the future into the present" to fix it. Reviewing the past and planning for the future allows you to take control of your destiny. This week I will discuss some ideas to make 2011 the best year ever.

Keep Smiling, Keep Selling!

Thanks Jim Busch

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