Thursday, December 9, 2010

Dr. Drucker's Fab Five

Dr. Peter Drucker was in many ways responsible for American industry's fabulous productivity in the middle of the 20th century. For almost seven decades he was the preeminent business thinker in the world. Here are the 5 practices he identified that set high performers apart from the crowd:

  1. Effective people know where their time goes. They take a systematic approach to time management.
  2. They focus on contributing to the success of their organization. They spend their time on activities that will make a difference.
  3. Top performers know their personal strengths and concentrate their efforts on activities that require them to exercise them.
  4. Effective people concentrate on their priorities. They realize that time is a finite resource and don't dissipate their energies on low value activities
  5. Top performers make decisions thoughtfully. They consider probable scenarios and think them through beforehand. By considering possible situations they can make good decisions on the fly. They look and life like a chess board and are always thinking several moves ahead.

I highly recommend Dr. Drucker's books particularly The Effective Executive. They are timeless classics for anyone in business.

Keep Smiling, Keep Selling!

Thanks Jim Busch

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