Saturday, October 3, 2009

The "I'm too busy to talk" objection

When confronted with broccoli my son used to say "Save it and I'll eat it later." If my wife and I let him get away with this ploy, "later" would never come. When customers say something like "I am just too busy to talk, call back in a few weeks." you can bet if you called them hourly for the next ten years, you would never catch them during that mythical "slow" time when they will give you all the time you need. Give the customer the benefit of the doubt, but if you get this objection more than once or twice, you need to force the issue.

Lay everything on the line and tell them:

"Mr. Smith, you and I know that you will be just as busy next month. That's why we should talk now. I have some ideas that can help your business. We should meet soon. I promise you that I won't take much of your time and that you'll find it time well spent. Would tomorrow afternoon or morning be better for you?"

One of two things will happen. You'll the appointment or you'll find out that the customer is just stringing you along and wasting your time. This will let you put them on the back burner and free up time to call on better prospects.

Keep smiling, keep selling

Thanks Jim Busch

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