Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Seminar Marketing

As an alternative to cold calling, some companies are using seminars to attract new customers. Here's how it works--You secure a room and send out invitations to an educational seminar on a subject of interest to business owners. These sessions should also be promoted in your paper. You can draw on the expertise of your employees and do sessions on marketing, design or accounting. You can do research and do seminars on local demographics or the regional economy. Many outside speakers can be used for this at a minimal cost. Content is the key to making this work. Your seminar should be truly educational and not a sales pitch. You should not use these sessions to promote your products. The purpose of the seminar is to make contacts. As the "host" of the session you get to meet and greet local business people in a non-threatening environment. This would make these people more inclined to grant an appointment. This also positions you as a respected expert and a trusted source of information.

Keep Smiling, Keep Selling!


Jim Busch

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