Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Half New Year

There are less than two full weeks left in the 1st half of 2011. Now is an excellent time to take stock of your progress and to talk to your customers about doing the same. Sit down and review your numbers and your goals, look for areas of potential improvement. If you don't have written goals this is a good time to establish them.

Talk to your customers about their plans and goals for the 3rd and 4th quarters. If they are not on target thus far, now is the time to make course corrections. If they cut back on their advertising in the new year, ask them about changes in their traffic. Perhaps it is time to reconsider this decision. Ask them how they feel about your performance and if they have any suggestions regarding what you can do better. This type of review will save you a lot of grief later. Ignoring a problem is like ignoring a small wound, treat if right away and it disappears, ignore it and it festers and gives you a great deal of pain. A proactive approach is the best way to achieve your goals.

Keep Smiling, Keep Selling!


Jim Busch

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