Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Naked or Armed for Bear?

I frequently get asked, "What should I carry on a sales call?" There are 2 schools of thought on this. Some salespeople believe in going in "naked" with nothing more than a business card. They believe that carrying a lot of sales materials intimidates the prospect and causes them to chase the sales person away.

Others believe in going in "armed for bear" with everything they have to present. I have even known reps who fill in an insertion order before going on a call. Their theory is that you should be prepared for anything just in case the customer is receptive to buying.

I prefer to take the middle path. I like to carry a small neat binder containing coverage maps, pricing and product samples. At the front of my binder I have several PowerPoint slides that talk about the key selling points of my product. This binder looks professional and contains everything I need to present my product to a customer and answer basic questions. I like to use the slides as a visual aid when describing my publication to the prospect. Research indicates that if your words are supported by a visual, the customer is more likely to retain the information. Visuals also enhance your credibility with the client. Everyone is different but this has worked for me for years.

Keep smiling, keep selling.

Thanks Jim Busch

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