Sunday, April 17, 2011

Be a "note" able success

For many years I have made a practice out of sending out at least one hand written note every day of the work week. I send out thank you notes to people who have done me favors, congratulatory notes to friends and notes of encouragement to those who need it. As I travel around the offices of my company I see my notes, some several years old, posted on bulletin boards. I often get calls from the recipients of my notes thanking me. These notes help me to build strong relationships with clients and co-workers. These relationships help me to enlist support for the things I need to accomplish. This is a decidely old school practice but this is why it is so effective. Less than 2% of the U.S, Mail consists of hand addressed personal correspondence so your notes really stand out. I keep a few boxes of cards in my desk and I send out a note or two as part of my morning routine. This only takes a few minutes each daybut my notes have a big impact on my personal effectiveness. Keep Smiling, Keep Selling! Thanks Jim Busch

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