Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Don't ask for an "appointment."

I am a big believe in setting appointments with prospects and advertisers but I never ask for one. Instead of asking for an "appointment", ask the customer for a "meeting." This seems like an inconsequential matter but research shows that buyers are more likely to respond positively to this phrasing. Appointments, whether they are with your doctor, lawyer or accountant, usually are unpleasant and expensive. They are also usually one way affairs with the professional in total control. This causes many people to have a negative connotation when they hear "appointment." Meetings on the other hand imply an exchange of ideas and information. This is a more accurate description of what we do and much more welcoming to the prospect. In sales details matter and anything that increases your chances of closing a sale, no matter how small, is worth doing.

Keep Smiling, Keep Selling!

Thanks Jim Busch

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