Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Unsuccess Story

After a training class today one of my reps pulled me aside and told me a story. This past weekend he was shopping with his family when a man approached him and asked if the rep remembered him. He was the former owner of a local hardware store. The rep had worked with him and put together a plan to fight against a new Lowes that opened in his market. The customer decided not to go with the plan to save money. A year later he was out of business. The man wanted to thank the rep for trying to help him and to admit he had been wrong. He told my rep that he had a new found respect for sales people and for advertising.

Obviously it is in our best interest to be assertive and to push people to advertise. It is also in their best interest. The hardware store owner tried to save money and lost his business. Yes we are trying to earn a commission but we are also trying to help people succeed.

Keep Smiling, Keep Selling!

Thanks Jim Busch

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