Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Top Ten List

Each night David Letterman does a humorous "Top Ten List". I recommend that you maintain a top ten list of your own. Your top ten should be the top ten accounts that you would like to sell. The accounts on your list should present you with the best opportunity to drive your revenue and build your territory. Every territory offers many account to sell and it is easy to lose focus. With only 10 accounts on the list you can give them the "full court press" and fully plan them. You can research the account, prepare spec art and spend the time necessary to land the business. Once you sell an account you can move them off the list and replace them with another prospect. Once you decide a prospect can not be sold they should be replaced. A top ten list permits you to focus your best efforts on your best prospects.

Keep Smiling, Keep Selling!

Thanks Jim Busch

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