Sunday, July 11, 2010

Ordering in food

A lot of our advertisers come from the restaurant industry, especially from the fast food industry. We run a lot of ads for pizza shops and other restaurants that deliver. Here is a study that should be interesting to these customers and by association to you. This survey conducted by Technomic Inc. asked consumers when they order in food.

Here is what they found:
Monday 4%
Tuesday 6%
Wednesday 13%
Thursday 10%
Friday 36%
Saturday 24%
Sunday 7%

This is useful information when helping customers create offers. For example a Sunday through Tuesday coupon could greatly increase a customer's cash flow. This is also a good starting point for a conversation. You can share this with a customer and ask them how it squares with their own experiences. Anytime you can share research with a client, you position yourself as both knowledgeable and professional.

Keep Smiling, Keep Selling!

Thanks Jim Busch

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