Sunday, September 13, 2009

Word of Mouth Objection #2

When I was a sales rep I liked to experiment with off the wall techniques. I went to a local quick print shop and bought a box of business cards saying:

Word of Mouth Advertising
Jim Busch
Local Representative

When someone would give me the WOM objection, I would say "Excellent!" and hand them the card. They would respond with either a perplexed look or laughter. Either way I had a reason to start a conversation. I explained that getting word of mouth actually made advertising more effective. A customer who gets two referrals from every new customer gets a triple response from the ad. (The responder + 2 additional referrals).

A print ad also locks in the WOM referrals for the advertiser. Some one might say "You should try my hair dresser, they're down on Main Street." It is unlikely that they will give you the number or hand you a card. You might tuck the referral away in the back of your mind, but unless you are actively in the market at that precise moment you are unlikely to take action. When that person sees an ad for the salon on Main St. it brings the referral to mind. "That's the place so and so told me about, I'll give them a call." When they call for an appointment they will mention the referral but never mention the paper. A consistent advertising program will increase the amount of WOM the business receives.

Thanks for reading.

Jim B.

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