Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It's about time

Punctuality is on of the hallmarks of a professional sales person. When you tell a customer you will be there at 9 am, you should be there at 8:55 am. This sends a number of signals to your customers. If you do not arrive when you said you would--can they trust your other statements? Punctuality is an easy way to demonstrate that you mean what you say. Nothing is more valuable to a prospect than their time. This is what entrepreneurs bring to their enterprises. Most business people hate to waste time. If you make them wait or ,even worse, forget to show up, you've will have a very hard time getting back into thier good graces. The key to punctuality is keeping in touch with reality. Take a realistic look at your schedule before making an appointment. Allow enough time for each call and for travel time. If you schedule too tightly, you will find yourself trying to catch up all day long. You need to maintain a balance between trying to do too much and doing too little. Use gaps in your schedule to cold call or phone customers. If unavoidable circumstances put you behind schedule, call you customer to notify them or to reschedule. Do this early enough that they can make alternate plans.

Keep Smiling, Keep Selling!


Jim Busch

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