Thursday, May 19, 2011

Benefit Lacing

When making a recommendation don't forget to "Lace" a benefit to your statement. "Benefit lacing" is the practice of reminding a buyer why the purchase is a good idea when asking for a commitment. For example instead of saying "
You can have a 6 inch ad in the Anytown Shopper
for $100."
"We can put you ad in the Anytown Shopper which
reaches every home in Anytown, Sometown and Nowhere, a total of 30,000 homes. A 6 inch ad will allow you to list your weekly specials and tell people about your new showroom. This will only run $100 which is only 3/10 of a cent per
You can see how reviewing the benefits and selling points when proposing a customer solution put the focus on the value rather than the cost of the program. This reassures the hesitant customer that they are doing the right thing and will greatly improve your closing ratio,

Keep Smiling, Keep Selling!


Jim Busch

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