Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Picking the competions pockets

These days, advertising budgets are tighter than ever. Sometimes it is impossible to get a customer to invest one cent more into marketing their business. If they are advertising with a competitor, all may not be lost. Look at their current program and think about ways to cut back the advertiser's program without making a major impact on their representation. Think about going to a smaller ad or cutting out editions in secondary areas. Another possibility is using a reverse to get attention without using color. You may even want to design and spec an ad for the competitor's product. The money they save can be reinvested with you. This is a much easier approach to take rather than trying to get them to drop the competitor and move 100% of their budget to you. Prospects are reluctant to do this because of the natural fear of loss. The plan above allows them to "have their cake and eat it too." You can open the call with something like "Mr./Ms. Customer, if you give me a few minutes of your time I can show you a way to expand your reach without increasing your advertising budget by one red cent."

Keep Smiling, Keep Selling!


Jim Busch

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